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I Gave Birth to an Angel and I'm a Mother

Katianna Rosa

Photo Credit: Katianna Rosa

And just like that our lives have forever changed.

On April 25, 2021, I delivered our stillborn son.

Isaac Joseph Barral came into this world weighing six pounds, two ounces, with no heartbeat.

God gave my husband and I a strength that is indescribable in hearing the words from the doctor, "I'm sorry, there is no heartbeat."

Our lives came crashing down. I was quickly induced and my body went into full labor.

Twenty-four hours later, I was ready to push and he entered this world at 5:31 a.m. I grabbed him and held him in my arms. I looked up to the ceiling and yelled, "Thank you, God!"

For a moment, I forgot that he had no heartbeat and that we didn't hear him cry.

Our son looked exactly like me with a full head of hair, a button nose like his daddy, and big feet like his auntie.

He is an angel! We may not be able to see our son grow, teach him the ways of life, see all his milestones, meet his first girlfriend or boyfriend, or see what path he will take in life. And that's okay because we will always be his parents and this is only the beginning of our family journey.

Rest easy, baby boy. You were taken too soon from us, but I know you're in a better place. Mommy loves you, MY BUDDY, Isaac Joseph Barral.

My heart goes out to all the women who long to be mothers but have not been able to conceive. The women who have miscarried. The women who have lost their child to stillbirth. The women whose baby died after birth. I have always kept those strong women in my prayers and now I am one of those women.

I have given birth to an angel and I am a MOTHER!

Thank you Katianna Rosa / @kati2013 for sharing your story. Shared with permission.

We know that losing a child is the most heartbreaking thing a parent can experience. Loved Baby is a beautiful resource to help grieving parents of faith through their darkest days.

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